posted on 9月 12, 2014
Extending Consumption Fair 2014 at Sapporo Central Wholesale Market(札幌中央卸売市場『消費拡大フェア2014』) This is the annual event for public widely opened. The market is opened to the public and people can see some auction area restricted entering. There are many events such as …
- a dressing a tuna show and sale
- an all-you-can-carry sale of vegetables
- test driving of ‘Tale’ car
- Exploring the market with family
- Squid rice and minced fish soup
- painting on a shell
- mock auction by visitors
There are a lot of FUN! Why don’t you go there in the early morning, but really worth visiting.
Sep, 21 8:00 to 12:00 *marine market is opened at 7:00
- Center Yard at Marinal Building, Sapporo Central Wholesale Market
- N12 W20 2-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
- Take a Tozai line to Nijyu-yonken(二十四軒) and walk 10 min.
- Take a Hakodate line via Otaru/Teine to Soen station and walk 15 min.
011-611-3176 (Sapporo Central Wholesale Market Association)